Intelligent substitution models for structural design
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martina Schnellenbach-Held, University of Duisburg-Essen
Preliminary and draft planning process of building
- Structural specifications have a significant influence on the advanced draft.
- The concept of the bearing structure also affects construction time and costs.
- In advance, only few boundary conditions are known.
- An early integration of structural design knowledge is missing.
- Uncertainty of influential parameters complicates the design process.
Obstacles in the conventional design process
- An early cooperation of all involved planners is necessary.
- Decisions are made based on few uncertain parameters.
- Models for a holistic process for preliminary design are missing.
- The highly complex decision-making process as well as the extensive expert knowledge can hardly be covered by conventional methods.
- This results in an iterative process with design revisions in several cycles.
Up to now, models for an early integration of all relevant aspects are non-existent.
Scientific objectives
Formalization of engineering knowledge
- Required detail-levels as well as their information demands are identified.
- Fuzzy methods are utilized for the development of LoD-dependent knowledge bases.
- Foundation of the intelligent substitution models is the inference-based evaluation of the fuzzy knowledge bases for preliminary and draft planning process.
- The iterative process is displaced by the approach of fuzzy boundaries.
- Extension of the substitution models enables management of design changes.
Detail-level dependent knowledge system
- The substitution models contain methods for a complex decision making.
- The system provides an early support in the design process.
- Evaluation and consideration of design modifications are rendered possible.
- Design cycles and revisions of the conventional process are avoided.
- Realizable and economically optimized support structures are pre-designed.
Development of intelligent substitution models for structural design
- For harmonization and efficiency increase of the design process.
- For an early integration of structural design knowledge into the design process.
- For a holistic assistance in the preliminary design process.